
Sometimes it takes a village.
Jonathan is 22 years old and in his final years of life with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He has regressed to the point he can no longer use his arms and wrists to enjoy gaming. As he lost the use of his feet and walking, he valued gaming as a way to fill some of his days. He longed to find a way to continue playing. Carrie Berdan at Gillette Children’s Hospital helped us learn about new technology that could allow Jonathan to enjoy gaming despite his disability. Jonathan’s uncle Kevin, works at the State of Minnesota and met with Amy Perron with the MN Star Program. She had connections to AbleGamers. Aaron and Andy at AbleGamers were able to explain to us how they could help Jonathan. They ordered a gaming computer and software for Jonathan, as well as recommended some additional equipment that would help Jonathan with visual gaming, completely free! Jonathan also received training on how to use the software from Sue, Drew, and her team with Live Life Therapy. Finally, after much trial, it was determined that the Quadstick was the best solution for Johnathan.
It took a village to gather together the people, the donations, and the training to give Jonathan this amazing gift of continuing to enjoy gaming. Our heart desires to give him quality of life for as long as possible and thanks to AbleGamers, they were able to provide much of the equipment needed to help Jonathan find joy! We are eternally grateful to all those who have generously contributed time and resources to be able to give Jonathan this opportunity. The smile on his face says it all!
– Deb, Jonathan’s Aunt
Thank you for sharing Jonathan’s story with us, Deb. It’s stories like Jonathan’s that remind us why we do what we do. Knowing that we could play a part in helping him continue to enjoy gaming fills us with pride and purpose. We’re so grateful to everyone who came together to make this possible—from the family and friends who rallied around him, to the incredible professionals and our generous donors who provided the tools and expertise.
At AbleGamers, our mission is to ensure that everyone can experience the joy of gaming. Seeing the smile on Jonathan’s face is the best reward we could ask for. Thank you for allowing us to be part of his journey.
Playing video games is a valuable social activity that helps reduce social isolation by connecting people across distances and diverse backgrounds. Through multiplayer games, online communities, and cooperative gameplay, individuals can interact, collaborate, and build friendships. These virtual interactions provide a sense of belonging and support, fostering meaningful connections that transcend physical barriers. By engaging in shared gaming experiences, players can combat loneliness and create a supportive social network, making video games a powerful tool for enhancing social well-being. Learn more about what we do, or help continue our crucial work by making a monetary donation or purchasing something from our shop!
Your support makes our life-changing work possible.
AbleGamers Peer Counselors work one-on-one with each and every person. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a tailored experience to enable joy in someone’s life. Donate today to help us continue enabling play for people with disabilities.