
It’s more than a game.
“I don’t know where I’d be without games, but I’m grateful for them.”
Christine got in touch with AbleGamers after hearing stories from other gamers who were able to play more easily due to our services. She is a lifelong gamer with a passion for super hero, horror, and fantasy games.
“A majority of my childhood was spent in hospitals, I didn’t really have much to do besides read comics.”
“My dad then introduced me to games with a SEGA Saturn where I played my first game, Sonic the Hedgehog. Ever since then I fell in love with games, it’s an escape from all the bad things in life and makes me feel free”
With her gaming set up she has been able to continue enjoying gaming and connecting with people from all over the world.
“I have friends in places I would’ve never thought possible. If it wasn’t for games I wouldn’t have met my best friend. I also keep in touch with some family members via games like Animal Crossing.”
It’s so much more than a game for Christine, it’s a way to connect, a positive boost for her mental health, and a way to get inspired:
“It’s something that really helps with my mental health and also inspires me in doing other things like doing art.”
After partnering with the enablement team at AbleGamers, Christine has been able to game even better than before:
“I’m so happy to be able to play more independently without the assistance of others because of your help, so thank you so much for helping me and others like me! It really means a lot to be able to continue doing what I love, and I do it better than ever now!”
Your support made this smile possible.
AbleGamers Peer Counselors and all of our Powered by AbleGamers Partners work one-on-one with each and every person. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a tailored experience to enable joy in someone’s life. Donate today to help us continue enabling play for people with disabilities.