
Dillon S

Picture of Dillon with gaming equipment

Dillon S is a 26-year-old from Cincinatti, Ohio. He was born with Cerebral Palsy which affects his ability to do one of his favorite things, gaming. Dillon loves Pokémon games but gets easily frustrated when playing the Nintendo Switch due to the small buttons which result in mishits a lot of the time.

Dillon streams on Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube to his community and wanted it to be easier for him to play, so he can stream more consistently and post videos.

Dillon visited a local gaming clinic that was part of Powered By AbleGamers, a program that provides training and support to staff, and grants specialized gaming equipment to facilities so that people with disabilities have a nearby location to help them with getting into or back into gaming.

After some testing and consultations, it was determined that he could utilize the Hori Flex alongside the Logitech Adaptive Gaming Kit. AbleGamers granted the equipment to him, and he began learning his new hardware. With some trial and error and the addition of a special joystick, Dillon is now able to play more frequently and easily.

We are happy to have assisted in Dillon’s gaming challenges and quest to catch more Pokémon!

Your support made this smile possible.

AbleGamers Peer Counselors and all of our Powered by AbleGamers Partners work one-on-one with each and every person. This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a tailored experience to enable joy in someone’s life. Donate today to help us continue enabling play for people with disabilities.