When you think of an athlete, you probably think about traditional sports images: highly competitive men and women with gifted physical traits, competing at the highest levels for fame and fortune. In eSports, the idea of an “athlete” changes —…
Author: Joseph Giampapa
MLB The Show 17 Continues To Deliver Accessible Excellence
Every year, Sony Interactive Entertainment’s MLB The Show consistently brings an absurdly authentic Major League Baseball experience mixed with a top of the line suite of accessibility options. MLB The Show 17 is no exception to that standard, though this…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Full of Adventure and Lacking Accessibility
Nintendo bet big on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to usher in the Switch as the next big innovation in gaming technology, and fortunately it looks like they have a smash hit on their hands. When The…
Interview with the Alex James Ryan, AbleGamers Fellow
Alex James Ryan (AJ) has always been unique. He grew up playing video games, watching Cartoon Network and Pokémon, normal interests for a boy growing up in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Unlike most children, he grew up relying on his feet to do the things a person’s hands normally would. Disabled from birth, AJ had to overcome this adversity and learn to live his life differently than most.