Fundraising Tips

First time Fundraising Tips from other streamers

100% This.
Have fun during your event, make sure you plan to play games that you enjoy.  Every dollar counts, even if you don’t hit your personal goal your fundraising will help purchase more customized controllers and support our efforts.

Your community knows you and will be passionate about the things you are passionate about. Being passionate about the charity you are supporting will energize your community to want to support the fundraiser.

We’ve all been there, make sure your game, console, PC, Software, and hardware all have their updates!!

For transparency and tax purposes It’s important to make sure that the money you raise goes directly to the charity. Most of the sites that charities use will also have a way to show your community the funds raised either with a event page or on stream add ons like pop ups or a donation bar. To sign up for your own AbleGamers fundraising page check out these sites: Tiltify, Facebook.

Please do! feel free to check out our Fundraising Portal or reach out to us directly at [email protected]

This is important advice, please do not overextend yourself by offering more incentives than you can manage. Incentives can be a fun way to encourage extra donations. If you are doing your first event you may want to consider having a smaller amount of incentives so that you can manage the stream.

Our mission is to make sure that everyone can enjoy the world of gaming by sharing our mission you are helping to make that happen. Sharing information with your community is important, we want donors to know where their money is going and how we are using it! to find out more about where your money goes check out some Quick Facts about our organization and make sure to follow us on Twitter to see where we are going!

Please make sure to prep food and drinks before your event, taking care of yourself is the #1 priorty during a charity stream. Please make sure to only do a stream length you feel comfortable with and plan to take small breaks during your stream. It’s also a great idea to start spreading the word of your event before the event, a viewer may not be able to make it to your stream but they may want to donate early or also help you share the info.