Second Annual Video Game Accessibility Awards

photo collage of the video game accessibility awards presenters. Top row left to right: @THATJAYJUSTICE, @JACKSEPTICEYE, @VANCITYREYNOLDS, @SWEETANITA, @NOHANDSNOEXCUSE. Bottom row left to right: @DRLUPO, @NEGAORYX, @TIFFANYWITCHER, @DEAFGAMERSTV, @CRANKGAMEPLAYS

Screen shot of youtube video starting page

The second annual Video Game Accessibility Awards have arrived and they have honored the games that have gone above and beyond to push forward the bar of accessibility by making their games available to so many more.

The winners were announced in a livestream hosted by Accessibility Awards co-creators Steven Spohn ad Alanah Pearce. IGN alum Alanah Pearce is a writer at Sony Santa Monica and Steven Spohn is a Senior Director at AbleGamers, and the awards show was founded in partnership with AbleGamers to highlight these games doing incredible work in the field of accessibility.

You can find the list of winners and entire IGN article HERE

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